Key Evaluation Pending Reverse-Translated Original
description.wurst.hack.aimassist Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string. 주변 엔티티를 조준하는 데 도움을 줍니다. Helps you aim at nearby entities. Helps you aim at nearby entities.
description.wurst.hack.airplace Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 공중에 블록을 배치할 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to place blocks in the air. Allows you to place blocks in mid-air.
description.wurst.hack.anchoraura Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "respawn anchor" (block.minecraft.respawn_anchor) as "리스폰 정박기", but this translation says "리스폰 앵커" instead.
자동으로 리스폰 앵커를 배치(선택 사항), 충전하고 주변 엔티티를 제거합니다. Automatically places respawn anchors (optional), charges them, and destroys surrounding entities. Automatically places (optional), charges, and detonates respawn anchors to kill entities around you.
description.wurst.hack.antiafk Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자리비움 검출기에서 숨기기 위해 무작위로 이동합니다.
적어도 3x3 블록의 빈 공간이 필요합니다.
Moves randomly to hide from away detectors.
You need at least 3x3 blocks of empty space.
Walks around randomly to hide you from AFK detectors.
Needs at least 3x3 blocks of free space.
description.wurst.hack.antiblind Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "blindness" (effect.minecraft.blindness) as "실명", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "darkness" (effect.minecraft.darkness) as "어둠", which is consistent with this translation.
실명어둠 효과를 방지합니다.
OptiFine과 호환되지 않습니다.
Prevents blinding and darkening effects.
Not compatible with OptiFine.
Prevents blindness and darkness effects.
Incompatible with OptiFine.
description.wurst.hack.anticactus Warning: Name "Protect" is present in the original but not in the translation.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "cactus" (block.minecraft.cactus) as "선인장", which is consistent with this translation.
선인장 대미지를 방지합니다. Prevents cactus damage. Protects you from cactus damage.
description.wurst.hack.antientitypush Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
다른 플레이어나 몹에게 밀려나는 것을 방지합니다. Prevents being knocked back by other players or mobs. Prevents you from getting pushed by players and mobs.
description.wurst.hack.antihunger Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "hunger" (effect.minecraft.hunger) as "허기", but this translation says "배고픔" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
걷는 동안 배고픔 속도를 늦춥니다. Slows hunger while walking. Slows down your hunger when you are walking.
description.wurst.hack.antiknockback Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "knockback" (enchantment.minecraft.knockback) as "밀치기", but this translation says "넉백" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
플레이어나 몹으로부터 넉백을 받지 않도록 합니다. Avoid taking knockback from players or mobs. Prevents you from taking knockback from players and mobs.
description.wurst.hack.antispam Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "chat" (chat.editBox) as "대화", but this translation says "채팅" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
반복된 메시지에 카운터를 추가하여 채팅 스팸을 차단합니다. Block chat spam by adding a counter to repeated messages. Blocks chat spam by adding a counter to repeated messages.
description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "water" (block.minecraft.water) as "물", which is consistent with this translation.
에 밀리는 것을 방지합니다. Prevents being pushed by water. Prevents you from getting pushed by water.
description.wurst.hack.antiwobble Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "nausea" (effect.minecraft.nausea) as "멀미", but this translation says "메스꺼움" instead.
Info: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original, but its reasoning makes no sense.
메스꺼움과 차원문에서 일어나는 흔들림 효과를 해제합니다. Dispels nausea and shaking effects from portals. Disables the wobble effect caused by nausea and portals.
description.wurst.hack.arrowdmg Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "hunger" (effect.minecraft.hunger) as "허기", but this translation says "배고픔" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "crossbow" (item.minecraft.crossbow) as "쇠뇌", but this translation says "크로스보우" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Paper" (item.minecraft.paper) as "종이", but this translation says "Paper" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "arrow" (entity.minecraft.arrow) as "화살", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
화살의 공격력을 대폭 상승시키지만, 많은 배고픔을 소비하고 정확도가 떨어집니다.

크로스보우에서는 작동하지 않으며, Paper 서버에서 패치된 것으로 보입니다.
Greatly increases the damage of arrows, but consumes a lot of hunger and reduces accuracy.

Doesn't work on crossbow, appears to be patched on Paper servers.
Massively increases arrow damage, but also consumes a lot of hunger and reduces accuracy.

Does not work with crossbows and seems to be patched on Paper servers.
description.wurst.setting.arrowdmg.packets Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 전송할 패킷 수.
패킷이 많을수록 공격력이 높아집니다.
Number of packets to transmit.
The more packets, the higher the attack power.
Amount of packets to send.
More packets = higher damage.
description.wurst.setting.arrowdmg.trident_yeet_mode Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Riptide" (enchantment.minecraft.riptide) as "급류", but this translation says "Riptide" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "trident" (entity.minecraft.trident) as "삼지창", which is consistent with this translation.
활성화하면 삼지창이 훨씬 멀리 날아갑니다. 공격력이나 Riptide에 영향을 미치지 않는 것 같습니다.

§c§l경고:§r 이 설정을 활성화하면 삼지창을 쉽게 잃을 수 있습니다!
When activated, the trident flies much farther. It doesn't seem to affect attack power or Riptide.

§c§lWarning:§r You can easily lose your trident if you enable this setting!
When enabled, tridents fly much further. Doesn't seem to affect damage or Riptide.

§c§lWARNING:§r You can easily lose your trident by enabling this option!
description.wurst.hack.autoarmor Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "armor" ( as "방어", but this translation says "방어구" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
자동으로 방어구를 관리합니다. Automatically manage your armor. Manages your armor automatically.
description.wurst.hack.autobuild Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자동으로 건물을 건설합니다.
한 개의 블록을 놓으면 건설을 시작합니다.
Build buildings automatically.
Place one block to start building.
Builds things automatically.
Place a single block to start building.
description.wurst.hack.autocomplete Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 대형 언어 모델을 사용하여 채팅 메시지를 자동 완성합니다. OpenAI 계정 API 접근 권한이나 지역적으로 설치된 oobabooga 웹 UI가 필요합니다. Autocomplete chat messages using large language models. Requires OpenAI account API access or locally installed oobabooga web UI. Auto-completes your chat messages using large language models. Requires either an OpenAI account with API access or a locally installed language model with the oobabooga web UI.
description.wurst.hack.autodrop Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 원하지 않는 아이템을 자동으로 버립니다. Automatically discard unwanted items. Automatically drops unwanted items.
description.wurst.hack.autoleave Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
체력이 낮을 때 자동으로 서버에서 나갑니다. Automatically leave the server when your health is low. Automatically leaves the server when your health is low.
description.wurst.hack.autolibrarian Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "villager" (entity.minecraft.villager) as "주민", but this translation says "마을 주민" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "librarian" (entity.minecraft.villager.librarian) as "사서", but this translation says "서적상" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "enchanted book" (item.minecraft.enchanted_book) as "마법이 부여된 책", but this translation says "인챈트된 책" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
특정 인챈트된 책을 판매하는 서적상으로 마을 주민을 자동으로 훈련합니다. 이 해킹을 사용하면 전체 거래 기구를 짧은 시간 내에 설정할 수 있습니다. Automatically train villagers to be booksellers that sell certain enchanted books. With this hack, you can set up your entire trading instrument in a fraction of the time. Automatically trains a villager to become a librarian that sells a specific enchanted book. You can set up an entire trading hall in no time by using this hack.
description.wurst.hack.autoeat Info: This string has not been translated. (no data) (no data) Automatically eats food when necessary.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.target_hunger Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 배고픔 게이지를 이 수준 이상으로 유지하려고 하지만 배고픔 점수를 낭비하지 않습니다. Try to keep your hunger gauge above this level, but don't waste hunger points. Tries to keep the hunger bar at or above this level, but only if it doesn't waste any hunger points.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.min_hunger Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 항상 이 수준 이상으로 배고픔 게이지를 유지하되, 음식 점수를 낭비하더라도 상관하지 않습니다.
6.5 - 바닐라 음식 아이템으로는 낭비를 일으키지 않습니다.
10.0 - 낭비를 무시하고 배고픔 게이지를 항상 가득 채웁니다.
Always keep your hunger gauge above this level, but don't mind wasting food points.
6.5 - Vanilla food items do not cause waste.
10.0 - Ignores waste and always fills the hunger bar.
Always keeps the hunger bar at or above this level, even if it wastes some hunger points.
6.5 - Cannot cause any waste with vanilla food items.
10.0 - Completely ignores waste and just keeps the hunger bar full.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.injured_hunger Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 부상당했을 때 이 수준 이상으로 배고픔 게이지를 채우며 음식 점수를 낭비하더라도 상관하지 않습니다.
10.0 - 가장 빠른 회복
9.0 - 가장 느린 회복
<9.0 - 회복 없음
<3.5 - 달리기 금지
Fills your hunger gauge above this level when injured, and doesn't care if you waste food points.
10.0 - fastest recovery
9.0 - slowest recovery
<9.0 - no recovery
<3.5 - no running
Fills the hunger bar to at least this level when you are injured, even if it wastes some hunger points.
10.0 - fastest healing
9.0 - slowest healing
<9.0 - no healing
<3.5 - no sprinting
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.injury_threshold Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 작은 부상으로 인해 모든 음식이 낭비되는 것을 방지합니다. AutoEat은 최소한 이만큼의 체력을 잃었을 때만 부상 상태로 간주합니다. A small injury prevents all food from being wasted. AutoEat only considers you injured when you lose at least this amount of health. Prevents small injuries from wasting all your food. AutoEat will only consider you injured if you have lost at least this number of hearts.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.take_items_from Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. AutoEat가 음식을 찾을 위치. Where AutoEat will find food. Where AutoEat should look for food.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.eat_while_walking Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 걷는 동안 음식을 먹는 것은 속도를 늦춥니다. 권장하지 않습니다. Eating while walking slows you down. Not recommended. Slows you down, not recommended.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.allow_hunger Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Rotten flesh" (item.minecraft.rotten_flesh) as "썩은 살점", but this translation says "김치" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "hunger" (effect.minecraft.hunger) as "허기", but this translation says "배고픔" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
김치는 무해한 '배고픔' 효과를 적용시킵니다.
위급한 상황에서 사용 가능하고 유용합니다.
Kimchi applies a harmless 'hunger' effect.
Available and useful in emergency situations.
Rotten flesh applies a harmless "hunger" effect.
It is safe to eat and useful as emergency food.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.allow_poison Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 독성 음식은 시간 경과에 따라 피해를 입힙니다.
권장하지 않습니다.
Toxic Food deals damage over time.
Not recommended.
Poisonous food applies damage over time.
Not recommended.
description.wurst.setting.autoeat.allow_chorus Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 엔더 열매를 먹으면 무작위 위치로 순간이동됩니다.
권장하지 않습니다.
Eating an ender fruit teleports you to a random location.
Not recommended.
Eating chorus fruit teleports you to a random location.
Not recommended.
description.wurst.hack.autofarm Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "wheat" (item.minecraft.wheat) as "밀", but this translation says "곡물" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "nether wart" (block.minecraft.nether_wart) as "네더 사마귀", but this translation says "네더 와트" instead.
Warning: Line breaks have changed.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "carrot" (item.minecraft.carrot) as "당근", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "potato" (item.minecraft.potato) as "감자", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "beetroot" (item.minecraft.beetroot) as "비트", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "pumpkin" (block.minecraft.pumpkin) as "호박", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "melon" (block.minecraft.melon) as "수박", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "cactus" (block.minecraft.cactus) as "선인장", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "sugar cane" (block.minecraft.sugar_cane) as "사탕수수", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "kelp" (block.minecraft.kelp) as "켈프", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "bamboo" (block.minecraft.bamboo) as "대나무", which is consistent with this translation.
곡물, 당근, 감자, 비트, 호박, 수박, 선인장, 사탕수수, 켈프, 대나무, 네더 와트, 코코아 열매에 대해 자동으로 작물을 수확하고 재심합니다. Automatically harvest and replant crops for Grain, Carrots, Potatoes, Beets, Pumpkins, Watermelons, Cacti, Sugarcane, Kelp, Bamboo, Netherwarts, and Cocoa Beans. Harvests and replants crops automatically.
Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, pumpkins, melons, cacti, sugar canes, kelp, bamboo, nether warts, and cocoa beans.
description.wurst.hack.autofish Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "fishing rod" (item.minecraft.fishing_rod) as "낚싯대", which is consistent with this translation.
최고의 낚싯대를 사용하여 자동으로 물고기를 잡습니다. 물고기를 잡는 동안 더 좋은 낚싯대를 발견하면 자동으로 전환됩니다. Automatically catch fish using the best fishing rod. If you find a better rod while fishing, it will automatically switch. Automatically catches fish using your best fishing rod. If it finds a better rod while fishing, it will automatically switch to it.
description.wurst.hack.automine Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 시선을 정한 블록을 자동으로 채굴합니다. It automatically mines the block it sets its eyes on. Automatically mines any block that you look at.
description.wurst.hack.autopotion Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 체력이 낮을 때 즉시 회복 물약을 자동으로 던집니다. Automatically throws an instant recovery potion when your health is low. Automatically throws splash potions of instant health when your health is low.
description.wurst.hack.autoreconnect Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
서버에서 강제 퇴장당할 경우 자동으로 재접속합니다. If you are forcibly removed from the server, you will automatically reconnect. Automatically reconnects when you get kicked from the server.
description.wurst.hack.autorespawn Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "respawn" (deathScreen.respawn) as "리스폰", which is consistent with this translation.
죽을 경우 자동으로 리스폰합니다. Automatically respawn if killed. Automatically respawns you whenever you die.
description.wurst.hack.autosign Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "sign" (book.signButton) as "서명하기", but this translation says "표지판" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
원하는 글을 모든 표지판에 즉시 작성합니다. 활성화된 후 첫 번째 표지판에 일반적으로 글을 작성하여 모든 다른 표지판에 적용할 수 있습니다. Instantly write whatever you want on any sign. Once activated, you can write normally on the first sign and apply it to all other signs. Instantly writes whatever text you want on every sign you place or edit. Once activated, you can write normally on the first sign to specify the text for all other signs.
description.wurst.hack.autosoup Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "hunger" (effect.minecraft.hunger) as "허기", but this translation says "배고픔" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
체력이 낮을 때 자동으로 수프를 먹습니다.

§l참고:§r 이 해킹 기능은 배고픔을 무시하고 수프를 직접 먹으면 체력이 회복된다고 가정합니다. 만약 이 기능이 서버에서 설정되어 있지 않다면 AutoEat을 사용하세요.
Automatically eats soup when health is low.

§lNOTE:§r This hack assumes you ignore hunger and eat the soup directly to restore health. If this feature is not configured on your server, use AutoEat.
Automatically eats soup when your health is low.

§lNote:§r This hack ignores hunger and assumes that eating soup directly refills your health. If the server you are playing on is not configured to do that, use AutoEat instead.
description.wurst.hack.autosprint Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: Minecraft translates "sprint" (key.sprint) as "달리기".
자동으로 달립니다. runs automatically. Makes you sprint automatically.
description.wurst.hack.autosteal Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "chest" (block.minecraft.chest) as "상자", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "shulker box" (block.minecraft.shulker_box) as "셜커 상자", which is consistent with this translation.
여는 모든 상자셜커 상자에서 모든 것을 자동으로 훔칩니다. Automatically steals everything from every chest and shulker box you open. Automatically steals everything from all chests and shulker boxes that you open.
description.wurst.hack.autoswim Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 수영 애니메이션을 자동으로 실행합니다. Automatically run the swimming animation. Triggers the swimming animation automatically.
description.wurst.hack.autoswitch Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Switch" ( as "전환", but this translation says "전환합니다" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "hotbar" (options.attack.hotbar) as "단축 바", but this translation says "핫바" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "item" (entity.minecraft.item) as "아이템", which is consistent with this translation.
항상 손에 들고 있는 아이템전환합니다.

§l팁:§r 이 기능은 다양한 색의 양털 또는 콘크리트 블록을 핫바에 넣고 BuildRandom과 함께 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
Switches the item you are always holding in your hand.

§lTips:§r This feature is recommended to use with BuildRandom by placing different colored wool or concrete blocks in the hotbar.
Switches the item in your hand all the time.

§lProTip:§r Use this in combination with BuildRandom while having a lot of different colored wool or concrete blocks in your hotbar.
description.wurst.hack.autosword Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Info: Minecraft translates "hotbar" (options.attack.hotbar) as "단축 바".
자동으로 인벤토리에서 가장 좋은 무기를 사용하여 Entity를 공격합니다.
팁: Killaura와 함께 사용할 수 있습니다.
Automatically use the best weapon in your inventory to attack the Entity.
Tip: Can be used with Killaura.
Automatically uses the best weapon in your hotbar to attack entities.
Tip: This works with Killaura.
description.wurst.hack.autotool Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: Minecraft translates "hotbar" (options.attack.hotbar) as "단축 바".
블록을 부수려고 할 때 인벤토리에서 가장 빠른 적용 가능한 도구를 자동으로 장착합니다. Automatically equip the fastest applicable tool in your inventory when trying to break a block. Automatically equips the fastest applicable tool in your hotbar when you try to break a block.
description.wurst.hack.autototem Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "totem of undying" (item.minecraft.totem_of_undying) as "불사의 토템", but this translation says "Totem of Undying" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Totem of Undying을 자동으로 보조 아이템 슬롯에 넣습니다. Automatically puts the Totem of Undying into the secondary item slot. Automatically moves totems of undying to your off-hand.
description.wurst.hack.autowalk Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
자동으로 걷게 해줍니다. It walks automatically. Makes you walk automatically.
description.wurst.hack.basefinder Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 인공 블록을 검색하여 플레이어 기지를 찾습니다.
찾은 블록은 선택한 색상으로 강조됩니다.
팩션 기지를 찾는 데 유용합니다.
Search artificial blocks to find player bases.
Blocks found are highlighted in the color of your choice.
Useful for finding faction bases.
Finds player bases by searching for man-made blocks.
The blocks that it finds will be highlighted in the selected color.
Good for finding faction bases.
description.wurst.hack.blink Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 활성화되어 있을 때 모든 움직임 업데이트를 일시 중단합니다. Suspends all movement updates when active. Suspends all motion updates while enabled.
description.wurst.hack.boatfly Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "sprint" (key.sprint) as "달리기", but this translation says "Shift" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "boat" (entity.minecraft.boat) as "보트", which is consistent with this translation.
보트 및 기타 차량으로 비행할 수 있습니다.
Shift 키를 누르면 빠르게 내려갈 수 있습니다.
You can fly by boat and other vehicles.
You can quickly descend by pressing the Shift key.
Allows you to fly with boats and other vehicles.
Press the sprint key to go down faster.
description.wurst.hack.bonemealaura Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "bone meal" (item.minecraft.bone_meal) as "뼛가루", but this translation says "본파우더" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
특정 유형의 식물에 대해 본파우더를 자동으로 사용합니다.
체크박스를 사용하여 식물 유형을 지정할 수 있습니다.
Automatically uses bone powder for certain types of plants.
You can specify the plant type using the checkbox.
Automatically uses bone meal on specific types of plants.
Use the checkboxes to specify the types of plants.
description.wurst.hack.bowaimbot Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "crossbow" (item.minecraft.crossbow) as "쇠뇌", but this translation says "석궁" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "bow" (item.minecraft.bow) as "활", which is consistent with this translation.
자동으로 이나 석궁을 조준합니다. Automatically aim your bow or crossbow. Automatically aims your bow or crossbow.
description.wurst.hack.buildrandom Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
주변에 무작위로 블록을 배치합니다. Place blocks randomly around you. Randomly places blocks around you.
description.wurst.hack.bunnyhop Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "jump" (key.jump) as "점프", which is consistent with this translation.
자동으로 점프합니다. Jump automatically. Makes you jump automatically.
description.wurst.hack.cameradistance Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 카메라 거리를 3인칭에서 변경할 수 있습니다. Camera distance can be changed in 3rd person. Allows you to change the camera distance in 3rd person.
description.wurst.hack.cameranoclip Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 카메라가 벽을 통과할 수 있습니다(3인칭). Camera can pass through walls (3rd person). Allows the camera in 3rd person to go through walls.
description.wurst.hack.cavefinder Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 선택한 색상으로 동굴을 강조하여 찾도록 도와줍니다. Highlights the cave with a color of your choice to help you find it. Helps you to find caves by highlighting them in the selected color.
description.wurst.hack.chattranslator Warning: Name "Google" is present in the original but not in the translation.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
구글 번역을 이용하여 수신된 채팅 메시지를 번역합니다. Translate received chat messages using Google Translate. Translates incoming chat messages using Google Translate.
description.wurst.hack.chestesp Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "chest" (block.minecraft.chest) as "상자", which is consistent with this translation.
주변의 상자를 강조합니다. Highlight the box around it. Highlights nearby chests.
description.wurst.hack.clickaura Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 클릭할 때 가장 가까운 유효한 엔티티를 자동으로 공격합니다.

§c§l경고:§r ClickAuraKillaura보다 더욱 의심스러워 보이며, 플러그인에 탐지되기 쉽습니다. 대신 KillauraTriggerBot을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
When clicked, it will automatically attack the nearest valid entity.

§c§lWARNING:§r ClickAura looks more suspicious than Killaura and is more likely to be detected by plugins. We recommend using Killaura or TriggerBot instead.
Automatically attacks the closest valid entity whenever you click.

§c§lWARNING:§r ClickAuras generally look more suspicious than Killauras and are easier for plugins to detect. It is recommended to use Killaura or TriggerBot instead.
description.wurst.hack.clickgui Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 윈도우 기반 ClickGUI. Windows-based ClickGUI. Window-based ClickGUI.
description.wurst.hack.crashchest Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "inventory" (container.inventory) as "보관함", but this translation says "인벤토리" instead.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "chest" (block.minecraft.chest) as "상자", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
인벤토리에 여러 개의 복사본이 있는 경우 사실상 서버에서 사용 제한이 걸린 상자를 생성합니다. §c§l경고:§r §c이것은 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 신중하게 사용하세요!§r

대신 상자에 복사본이 배치되면, 상자를 여는 모든 플레이어가 서버에서 강제 퇴장당합니다(한 번만).
If you have multiple copies in your inventory, the server will effectively create a crate with usage limits. §c§lWarning:§r §cThis is irreversible. Use with care!§r

If instead a copy is placed in the chest, any player who opens the chest will be kicked off the server (one time only).
Generates a chest that essentially bans people from the server if they have too many copies of it in their inventory. §c§lWARNING:§r §cThis cannot be undone. Use with caution!§r

If copies are instead placed in a chest, anyone who opens the chest will be kicked from the server (just once).
description.wurst.hack.creativeflight Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Creative Mode" (gameMode.creative) as "크리에이티브 모드", which is consistent with this translation.
크리에이티브 모드와 같이 비행할 수 있습니다.

§c§l경고:§r NoFall을 사용하지 않으면 낙하 대미지를 입을 수 있습니다.
You can fly like creative mode.

§c§lWarning: You may take fall damage if you do not use §r NoFall.
Allows you to fly like in Creative Mode.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take fall damage if you don't use NoFall.
description.wurst.hack.criticals Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. 모든 공격을 강력한 일격으로 변경합니다. Changes all attacks into powerful blows. Changes all your hits to critical hits.
description.wurst.hack.crystalaura Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "end crystal" (entity.minecraft.end_crystal) as "엔드 수정", but this translation says "end 크리스탈" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
주변의 엔티티를 죽이기 위해 선택적으로 end 크리스탈을 자동으로 설치(선택)하고 폭발시킵니다. Automatically installs (picks) and explodes an optional end crystal to kill nearby entities. Automatically places (optional) and detonates end crystals to kill entities around you.
description.wurst.hack.derp Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
머리를 무작위로 움직입니다.
다른 플레이어에게만 보입니다.
Move your head randomly.
Only visible to other players.
Randomly moves your head around.
Only visible to other players.
description.wurst.hack.dolphin Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "water" (block.minecraft.water) as "물", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "dolphin" (entity.minecraft.dolphin) as "돌고래", which is consistent with this translation.
속에서 자동으로 위아래로 움직이도록 합니다.
Let it automatically move up and down in the water.
(Like a dolphin)
Makes you bob up in water automatically.
(just like a dolphin)
description.wurst.hack.excavator Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 선택한 영역 내의 모든 블록을 자동으로 부숩니다. Automatically breaks all blocks within the selected area. Automatically breaks all blocks in the selected area.
description.wurst.hack.extraelytra Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Elytra" (item.minecraft.elytra) as "겉날개", but this translation says "Elytra" instead.
Elytra 사용을 더욱 쉽게합니다. Elytra makes using Elytra even easier. Makes the Elytra easier to use.
description.wurst.hack.fancychat Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
채팅 메시지에서 ASCII 문자를 화려한 유니코드 문자로 바꿉니다. 일부 서버에서 욕설 필터를 우회하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
유니코드 문자를 차단하는 서버에서는 작동하지 않습니다.
Replace ASCII characters with fancy Unicode characters in chat messages. Can be used to bypass profanity filters on some servers.
This won't work on servers that block Unicode characters.
Replaces ASCII characters in sent chat messages with fancier unicode characters. Can be used to bypass curse word filters on some servers.
Does not work on servers that block unicode characters.
description.wurst.hack.fastbreak Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 블록을 더 빨리 부술 수 있습니다.
팁: Nuker와 함께 사용할 수 있습니다.
Blocks can be broken faster.
Tip: Can be used with Nuker.
Allows you to break blocks faster.
Tip: This works with Nuker.
description.wurst.hack.fastladder Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "ladder" (block.minecraft.ladder) as "사다리", which is consistent with this translation.
사다리를 더 빨리 올라갈 수 있습니다. You can climb ladders faster. Allows you to climb up ladders faster.
description.wurst.hack.fastplace Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "fast" ( as "빠르게", but this translation says "더 빨리" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: Minecraft translates "speed" ( as "속도".
블록을 5배 더 빨리 배치할 수 있습니다.
팁: AutoBuild와 같은 다른 해킹을 가속화할 수 있습니다.
Blocks can be placed 5x faster.
Tip: You can accelerate other hacks like AutoBuild.
Allows you to place blocks 5 times faster.
Tip: This can speed up other hacks like AutoBuild.
description.wurst.hack.feedaura Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 주변의 동물을 자동으로 사료로 채웁니다. Automatically refill nearby animals with feed. Automatically feeds animals around you.
description.wurst.hack.fightbot Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자동으로 주변을 돌아다니며 모든 것을 죽이는 봇입니다.
MobArena에 적합합니다.
A bot that automatically moves around and kills everything.
Perfect for MobArena.
A bot that automatically walks around and kills everything.
Good for MobArena. Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 수중 중력을 해제하여 물고기처럼 수영할 수 있습니다. You can swim like a fish by releasing underwater gravity. Disables underwater gravity so you can swim like a fish.
description.wurst.hack.flight Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 비행이 가능합니다.

§c§l경고:§r NoFall을 사용하지 않으면 낙하 피해를 입을 수 있습니다.
Flight is possible.

§c§l WARNING: §r You may take fall damage if you do not use NoFall.
Allows you to fly.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take fall damage if you don't use NoFall.
description.wurst.hack.follow Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 가장 가까운 개체를 따라가는 봇입니다.
매우 귀찮습니다.

.follow를 사용하여 특정 개체를 따라갈 수 있습니다.
A bot that follows the nearest object.
It's very annoying.

You can use .follow to follow a specific object.
A bot that follows the closest entity.
Very annoying.

Use .follow to follow a specific entity.
description.wurst.hack.forceop Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. AuthMe 비밀번호를 크랙합니다.
OP를 얻는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
Crack AuthMe password.
It can be used to get OP.
Cracks AuthMe passwords.
Can be used to get OP.
description.wurst.hack.freecam Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 캐릭터를 움직이지 않고 카메라를 이동할 수 있습니다. You can move the camera without moving your character. Allows you to move the camera without moving your character.
description.wurst.hack.fullbright Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 어둠 속에서 볼 수 있습니다. You can see in the dark. Allows you to see in the dark.
description.wurst.hack.glide Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 낙하할 때 천천히 활강합니다.

§c§l경고:§r NoFall을 사용하지 않으면 낙하 피해를 입을 수 있습니다.
Glide slowly when falling.

§c§l WARNING: §r You may take fall damage if you do not use NoFall.
Makes you glide down slowly when falling.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take fall damage if you don't use NoFall.
description.wurst.hack.handnoclip Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 벽을 통해 특정 블록에 접근할 수 있습니다. Certain blocks can be accessed through walls. Allows you to reach specific blocks through walls.
description.wurst.hack.headroll Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
항상 고개를 끄덕입니다.
다른 플레이어에게만 표시됩니다.
I always nod my head.
Only visible to other players.
Makes you nod all the time.
Only visible to other players.
description.wurst.hack.healthtags Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
플레이어의 체력을 이름표에 표시합니다. Displays the player's health on their name tag. Shows the health of players in their nametags.
description.wurst.hack.highjump Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 더 높이 점프할 수 있게 해줍니다.

§c§l주의:§r NoFall을 사용하지 않으면 낙하 피해를 입을 수 있습니다.
Allows you to jump higher.

§c§l WARNING: You may take fall damage if you do not use §r NoFall.
Allows you to jump higher.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take fall damage if you don't use NoFall.
description.wurst.hack.infinichat Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "chat" (chat.editBox) as "대화", but this translation says "채팅" instead.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
채팅에서 256자 제한을 없애줍니다.
NBT 데이터를 수정하는 긴 명령어에 유용합니다.

§6§l주의:§r 대화를 위해 권장되지 않습니다. 대부분의 서버는 메시지를 256자로 제한합니다.
Removes the 256 character limit in chat.
Useful for long commands that modify NBT data.

§6§l Note: §r Not recommended for conversation. Most servers limit messages to 256 characters.
Removes the 256 character limit from the chat.
Useful for long commands that modify NBT data.

§6§lNOTICE:§r Not recommended for talking to people. Most servers will cut messages to 256 characters on their end.
description.wurst.hack.instantbunker Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자신 주위에 작은 벙커를 만듭니다. 57개의 블록이 필요합니다. Creates a small bunker around yourself. 57 blocks are required. Builds a small bunker around you. Needs 57 blocks.
description.wurst.hack.invwalk Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "inventory" (container.inventory) as "보관함", but this translation says "인벤토리" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
인벤토리가 열려있는 동안에도 움직일 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to move while your inventory is open. Allows you to move around while the inventory is open.
description.wurst.setting.invwalk.allow_clickgui Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. WurstClickGUI가 열려있는 동안에도 움직일 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows movement while Wurst's ClickGUI is open. Allows you to move around while Wurst's ClickGUI is open.
description.wurst.setting.invwalk.allow_other Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "chest" (block.minecraft.chest) as "상자", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "horse" ( as "말", which is consistent with this translation.
다른 게임 내 화면(상자, , 주민 거래 등)이 열려있는 동안에도 움직일 수 있게 해줍니다. 다만 텍스트 상자가 있는 경우에는 예외입니다. Allows movement while other in-game screens (chests, horses, villager trades, etc.) are open. The only exception is if you have a textbox. Allows you to move around while other in-game screens are open (e.g. chest, horse, villager trading), unless the screen has a text box.
description.wurst.hack.itemesp Good sign: Minecraft translates "item" (entity.minecraft.item) as "아이템", which is consistent with this translation.
Info: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original, but its reasoning makes no sense.
주변 아이템을 강조합니다. Emphasize surrounding items. Highlights nearby items.
description.wurst.hack.itemgenerator Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Creative mode" (gameMode.creative) as "크리에이티브 모드", which is consistent with this translation.
랜덤 아이템을 생성하여 땅에 드롭합니다.
§o크리에이티브 모드 전용입니다.§r
Spawns a random item and drops it on the ground.
§oCreative mode only.§r
Generates random items and drops them on the ground.
§oCreative mode only.§r
description.wurst.hack.jesus Warning: Name "Jesus" is present in the original but not in the translation.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "water" (block.minecraft.water) as "물", which is consistent with this translation.
위를 걸을 수 있게 해줍니다.
이 해킹은 약 2000년 전에 예수님이 사용했습니다.
Allows you to walk on water.
This hack was used by Jesus about 2000 years ago.
Allows you to walk on water.
Jesus used this hack ~2000 years ago.
description.wurst.hack.jetpack Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 마치 제트팩을 가지고 있는 것처럼 날 수 있게 해줍니다.

§c§l주의:§r NoFall을 사용하지 않으면 낙하 피해를 입을 수 있습니다.
It lets you fly as if you had a jetpack.

§c§l WARNING: You may take fall damage if you do not use §r NoFall.
Allows you to fly as if you had a jetpack.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take fall damage if you don't use NoFall.
description.wurst.hack.kaboom Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 주변 블록을 폭발처럼 부숩니다.
서버에 NoCheat+가 없다면 Nuker보다 훨씬 빠를 수 있습니다. 빠른 도구와 약한 블록과 함께 사용하는 것이 가장 효과적입니다.
참고: 실제로 폭발하는 것은 아닙니다.
Breaks nearby blocks like an explosion.
If your server doesn't have NoCheat+, it can be much faster than Nuker. It is most effective when used with fast tools and weak blocks.
Note: It does not actually explode.
Breaks blocks around you like an explosion.
This can be a lot faster than Nuker if the server doesn't have NoCheat+. It works best with fast tools and weak blocks.
Note: This is not an actual explosion.
description.wurst.hack.killauralegit Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 감지가 어려운 느린 Killaura입니다.
일반적인 NoCheat+ 서버에서는 필요하지 않습니다!
A slow Killaura that is difficult to detect.
On normal NoCheat+ servers you don't need it!
Slower Killaura that is harder to detect.
Not required on normal NoCheat+ servers!
description.wurst.hack.killaura Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자동으로 주변의 개체를 공격합니다. Automatically attack nearby objects. Automatically attacks entities around you.
description.wurst.hack.killpotion Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "potion" (entity.minecraft.potion) as "물약", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Creative mode" (gameMode.creative) as "크리에이티브 모드", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
모든 것을 죽일 수 있는 물약을 생성합니다. 크리에이티브 모드플레이어를 포함하여 거의 모든 것을 죽일 수 있습니다. 이미 죽은 언데드 몹에는 작동하지 않습니다.

크리에이티브 모드가 필요합니다.
Creates a potion that can kill anything. It can kill almost anything, including players in creative mode. Doesn't work on already dead undead mobs.

Creative mode required.
Generates a potion that can kill almost anything, including players in Creative mode. Does not work on undead mobs, since they are already dead.

Requires Creative mode.
description.wurst.hack.liquids Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 액체 안에 블록을 배치할 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to place blocks in liquid. Allows you to place blocks in liquids.
description.wurst.hack.lsd Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 환각을 유발합니다. It causes hallucinations. Causes hallucinations.
description.wurst.hack.masstpa Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 모든 플레이어에게 TPA 요청을 보냅니다.
누군가 수락하면 멈춥니다.
Send a TPA request to all players.
It stops when someone accepts.
Sends a TPA request to all players.
Stops if someone accepts.
description.wurst.hack.mileycyrus Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 트워킹을 할 수 있게 해줍니다. It allows you to twerk. Makes you twerk.
description.wurst.hack.mobesp Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 주변의 몹을 강조합니다. Emphasizes nearby mobs. Highlights nearby mobs.
description.wurst.hack.mobspawnesp Error: The color "yellow" was not translated.
Error: The color "red" was not translated.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
몹이 생성될 수 있는 영역을 강조합니다.
§eyellow§r - 밤에 몹이 생성될 수 있음
§cred§r - 몹이 항상 생성됨
Highlights areas where mobs can spawn.
§eyelow§r - mobs can spawn at night
§cred§r - mobs always spawn
Highlights areas where mobs can spawn.
§eyellow§r - mobs can spawn at night
§cred§r - mobs can always spawn
description.wurst.hack.multiaura Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 여러 개체를 동시에 공격하는 더 빠른 Killaura입니다. A faster Killaura that attacks multiple entities simultaneously. Faster Killaura that attacks multiple entities at once.
description.wurst.hack.nameprotect Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
모든 플레이어 이름을 숨깁니다. Hides all player names. Hides all player names.
description.wurst.hack.nametags Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 네임태그의 크기를 변경하여 항상 읽을 수 있게 해줍니다. 또한 웅크리는 플레이어의 네임태그를 볼 수 있게 해줍니다. Change the size of the name tag so it is always readable. It also allows you to see nametags for crouching players. Changes the scale of the nametags so you can always read them. Also allows you to see the nametags of sneaking players.
description.wurst.hack.navigator Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
시간이 지남에 따라 사용자의 선호도를 학습하는 검색 가능한 GUI입니다. A searchable GUI that learns the user's preferences over time. A searchable GUI that learns your preferences over time.
description.wurst.hack.newchunks Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자신 주변에 최근에 생성된 청크를 강조합니다. Emphasizes recently spawned chunks around you. Highlights newly generated chunks around you.
description.wurst.hack.nobackground Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "inventory" (container.inventory) as "보관함", but this translation says "인벤토리" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
인벤토리의 어두운 배경을 제거합니다. Removes the dark background of the inventory. Removes the dark background behind inventories.
description.wurst.hack.noclip Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "sand" (block.minecraft.sand) as "모래", which is consistent with this translation.
블록을 자유롭게 통과할 수 있게 해줍니다.
블록(예: 모래)이 머리 위로 떨어져야 활성화됩니다.

§c§l주의:§r 블록을 통과하는 동안 피해를 입을 수 있습니다!
Allows free passage through blocks.
Blocks (e.g. sand) must fall overhead to activate.

§c§l WARNING: You may take damage while going through §r blocks!
Allows you to freely move through blocks.
A block (e.g. sand) must fall on your head to activate it.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will take damage while moving through blocks!
description.wurst.hack.nocomcrash Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Paper" (item.minecraft.paper) as "종이", but this translation says "Paper" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
Nocom 악용을 통해 서버를 지연시키고 충돌시킵니다.
Paper 서버에서 작동하지 않습니다. Vanilla, SpigotFabric에서 테스트된 작동합니다. 일부 AntiCheats에 의해 비활성화될 수 있습니다.
Nocom exploit to lag and crash servers.
Doesn't work on Paper servers. Works tested on Vanilla, Spigot and Fabric. May be disabled by some AntiCheats.
Lags and crashes servers using the Nocom exploit.
Does not work on Paper servers. Tested working on Vanilla, Spigot, and Fabric. Can be disabled by some AntiCheats.
description.wurst.hack.nofall Warning: Name "Protect" is present in the original but not in the translation.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
낙하 피해를 방지합니다. Prevents fall damage. Protects you from fall damage.
description.wurst.hack.nofireoverlay Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "fire" ( as "불", which is consistent with this translation.
에 탔을 때 오버레이를 차단합니다.

§c§l주의:§r 이로 인해 알지 못하고 타사망할 수 있습니다.
Block overlays when burned.

§c§l CAUTION:§r This may cause third-party networks without your knowledge.
Blocks the overlay when you are on fire.

§c§lWARNING:§r This can cause you to burn to death without noticing.
description.wurst.hack.nohurtcam Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 피해를 입었을 때 흔들림 효과를 비활성화합니다. Disables the shake effect when taking damage. Disables the shaking effect when you get hurt.
description.wurst.hack.nolevitation Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Shulker" (entity.minecraft.shulker) as "셜커", which is consistent with this translation.
셜커에게 피격당했을 때 상승 효과를 비활성화합니다.

§c§l주의:§r 상승 효과가 이미 활성화된 상태에서 활성화하면 떨어질 것입니다!
Disables the boost effect when hit by a shulker.

§c§l WARNING: If you activate the §r synergistic effect while it is already active, it will fall!
Disables the levitation effect when you get hit by a Shulker.

§c§lWARNING:§r You will fall if you activate this while the levitation effect is already active!
description.wurst.hack.nooverlay Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "water" (block.minecraft.water) as "물", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "lava" (block.minecraft.lava) as "용암", which is consistent with this translation.
용암의 오버레이를 차단합니다. Blocks overlays of water and lava. Blocks the overlays of water and lava.
description.wurst.hack.nopumpkin Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "pumpkin" (block.minecraft.pumpkin) as "호박", which is consistent with this translation.
호박을 머리에 쓸 때 오버레이를 차단합니다. Block the overlay when putting the pumpkin on your head. Blocks the overlay when wearing a pumpkin on your head.
description.wurst.hack.noslowdown Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "soul sand" (block.minecraft.soul_sand) as "영혼 모래", which is consistent with this translation.
꿀, 영혼 모래 및 아이템 사용으로 인한 속도 감소 효과를 취소합니다. Cancels speed reduction effects from honey, soul sand, and item use. Cancels slowness effects caused by honey, soul sand and using items.
description.wurst.hack.noweather Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "weather" ( as "날씨", which is consistent with this translation.
클라이언트 측의 날씨, 시간 및 달의 위상을 변경할 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to change the weather, time and moon phase on the client side. Allows you to alter the client-side weather, time and moon phase.
description.wurst.hack.noweb Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "cobweb" (block.minecraft.cobweb) as "거미줄", which is consistent with this translation.
거미줄에 갇히는 것을 방지합니다. Prevents getting caught in spider webs. Prevents you from getting slowed down by cobwebs.
description.wurst.hack.nuker Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. 주변 블록을 자동으로 부수게 합니다. Automatically destroys surrounding blocks. Automatically breaks blocks around you.
description.wurst.hack.nukerlegit Warning: Name "AntiCheat" is present in the original but not in the translation.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
감지 플러그인을 우회하는 더 느린 Nuker입니다.
일반적인 NoCheat+ 서버에서는 필요하지 않습니다!
A slower Nuker that bypasses detection plugins.
On normal NoCheat+ servers you don't need it!
Slower Nuker that bypasses all AntiCheat plugins.
Not required on normal NoCheat+ servers!
description.wurst.hack.openwateresp Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. '열린 물'에서 낚시를 하는지 여부를 보여주고 열린 물 계산에 사용되는 영역 주위에 상자를 그립니다. Shows whether you are fishing in 'open water' and draws a box around the area used for open water calculations. Shows whether or not you are fishing in 'open water' and draws a box around the area used for the open water calculation.
description.wurst.hack.overlay Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
블록을 채굴할 때마다 Nuker 애니메이션을 렌더링합니다. Renders a Nuker animation every time a block is mined. Renders the Nuker animation whenever you mine a block.
description.wurst.hack.panic Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 활성화된 모든 해킹을 즉시 비활성화합니다.
이 기능을 사용할 때 주의하세요!
Instantly disables all active hacks.
Be careful when using this feature!
Instantly turns off all enabled hacks.
Be careful with this one!
description.wurst.hack.parkour Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "jump" (key.jump) as "점프", which is consistent with this translation.
블록 가장자리에 도달하면 자동으로 점프합니다.
파쿠르와 점프'n'런에 유용합니다.
When you reach the edge of a block, you will automatically jump.
Useful for parkour and jump 'n' run.
Makes you jump automatically when reaching the edge of a block.
Useful for parkours and jump'n'runs.
description.wurst.hack.playeresp Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. 주변 플레이어를 강조합니다.
친구의 ESP 상자는 파란색으로 표시됩니다.
Emphasize nearby players.
Your friend's ESP box will be blue.
Highlights nearby players.
ESP boxes of friends will appear in blue.
description.wurst.hack.portalgui Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 포탈에서 GUI를 열 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to open a GUI from a portal. Allows you to open GUIs in portals.
description.wurst.hack.potionsaver Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 정지 상태에서는 모든 물약 효과를 유지합니다. While stationary, retains all potion effects. Freezes all potion effects while you are standing still.
description.wurst.hack.prophuntesp Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
Prophunt에서 가짜 블록을 볼 수 있게 해줍니다.
Mineplex Prophunt를 위해 제작되었으며, 다른 서버에서 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
Allows you to see fake blocks in Prohunt.
Built for Mineplex Prohunt, may not work on other servers.
Allows you to see fake blocks in Prophunt.
Made for Mineplex Prophunt. Might not work on other servers.
description.wurst.hack.protect Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 가장 가까운 개체를 따라가고 다른 개체로부터 보호하는 봇입니다.
가장 가까운 개체 대신 특정 개체를 보호하려면 .protect 명령을 사용하세요.
A bot that follows the nearest object and protects it from others.
Use the .protect command to protect a specific object instead of the nearest one.
A bot that follows the closest entity and protects it from other entities.
Use .protect to protect a specific entity instead of the closest one.
description.wurst.hack.radar Error: The color "red" was not translated.
Error: The color "orange" was not translated.
Error: The color "green" was not translated.
Error: The color "gray" was not translated.
Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "player" (entity.minecraft.player) as "플레이어", which is consistent with this translation.
주변 개체의 위치를 보여줍니다.
§cred§r - 플레이어
§6orange§r - 몬스터
§agreen§r - 동물
§7gray§r - 기타
Shows the location of nearby objects.
§cred§r - player
§6orange§r - Monster
§agreen§r - Animals
§7gray§r - Other
Shows the location of nearby entities.
§cred§r - players
§6orange§r - monsters
§agreen§r - animals
§7gray§r - others
description.wurst.hack.rainbowui Error: This string is still in English.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
§cM§aa§9k§ce§as §9e§cv§ae§9r§cy§at§9h§ci§an§9g §cc§ao§9l§co§ar§9f§cu§al§9. §cM§aa§9k§ce§as §9e§cv§ae§9r§cy§at§9h§ci§an§9g §cc§ao§9l§co§ar§9f§cu§al§9. §cM§aa§9k§ce§as §9e§cv§ae§9r§cy§at§9h§ci§an§9g §cc§ao§9l§co§ar§9f§cu§al§9.
description.wurst.hack.reach Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 더 멀리 뻗을 수 있게 해줍니다. It allows you to reach farther. Allows you to reach further.
description.wurst.hack.remoteview Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "world" ( as "세계", which is consistent with this translation.
다른 사람으로서 세계를 볼 수 있게 해줍니다.
.rv 명령을 사용하여 특정 개체를 대상으로 설정할 수 있습니다.
It allows you to see the world as a different person.
You can target specific objects using the .rv command.
Allows you to see the world as someone else.
Use the .rv command to make it target a specific entity.
description.wurst.hack.restock Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "inventory" (container.inventory) as "보관함", but this translation says "인벤토리" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
인벤토리에서 선택한 아이템으로 손을 자동으로 보충합니다. FastPlace와 함께 사용할 수 있습니다. Automatically replenish your hand with selected items from your inventory. Can be used with FastPlace. Automatically restocks your hand with the selected items from your inventory. Works better with FastPlace.
description.wurst.hack.safewalk Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 벽 끝에서 떨어지지 않도록 합니다. Make sure not to fall off the end of the wall. Prevents you from falling off edges.
description.wurst.hack.scaffoldwalk Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자동으로 발 아래에 블록을 배치합니다. Automatically places blocks under your feet. Automatically places blocks below your feet. Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 무지개 색상으로 강조하여 특정 블록을 찾는 데 도움을 줍니다. Helps you find specific blocks by highlighting them with a rainbow of colors. Helps you to find specific blocks by highlighting them in rainbow color.
description.wurst.hack.servercrasher Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "item" (entity.minecraft.item) as "아이템", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Creative mode" (gameMode.creative) as "크리에이티브 모드", which is consistent with this translation.
1.15.x 버전 서버를 충돌시킬 수 있는 아이템을 생성합니다.
§o크리에이티브 모드 전용.§r
Creates an item that can crash a 1.15.x version server.
§oCreative mode only.§r
Generates an item that can crash 1.15.x servers.
§oCreative mode only.§r
description.wurst.hack.skinderp Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 스킨의 일부를 무작위로 전환합니다. Randomly switch parts of skins. Randomly toggles parts of your skin.
description.wurst.hack.sneak Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: Minecraft translates "sneak" (key.sneak) as "웅크리기".
자동으로 웅크리게 합니다. Crouch automatically. Makes you sneak automatically.
description.wurst.hack.snowshoe Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "powder snow" (block.minecraft.powder_snow) as "가루눈", but this translation says "파우더 눈" instead.
Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string.
파우더 눈 위에서 걸을 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to walk on powder snow. Allows you to walk on powder snow.
description.wurst.hack.speedhack Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 달리기와 점프로 할 때보다 약 2.5배 더 빠르게 달릴 수 있게 해줍니다.

§6§l주의:§r NoCheat+ 버전 3.13.2에서 패치되었습니다. 이전 버전의 NoCheat+에서만 우회됩니다.
서버의 NoCheat+ 버전을 확인하려면 §l/ncp version§r을 입력하세요.
Allows you to run about 2.5 times faster than you can with running and jumping.

§6§l Note: §r Patched in NoCheat+ version 3.13.2. This is only bypassed in older versions of NoCheat+.
To check your server's NoCheat+ version, type §l/ncp version§r.
Allows you to run ~2.5x faster than you would by sprinting and jumping.

§6§lWARNING:§r Patched in NoCheat+ version 3.13.2. Will only bypass older versions of NoCheat+.
Type §l/ncp version§r to check a server's NoCheat+ version.
description.wurst.hack.speednuker Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. NoCheat+를 우회할 수 없는 더 빠른 버전의 Nuker입니다. A faster version of Nuker that cannot bypass NoCheat+. Faster version of Nuker that cannot bypass NoCheat+.
description.wurst.hack.spider Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "spider" (entity.minecraft.spider) as "거미", which is consistent with this translation.
거미처럼 벽을 타고 올라갈 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to climb walls like a spider. Allows you to climb up walls like a spider.
description.wurst.hack.step Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 전체 블록을 올라갈 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to climb entire blocks. Allows you to step up full blocks.
description.wurst.hack.throw Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "minecart" (entity.minecraft.minecart) as "광산 수레", but this translation says "마인카트" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "snowball" (entity.minecraft.snowball) as "눈덩이", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "egg" (item.minecraft.egg) as "달걀", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
아이템을 여러 번 사용합니다. 매우 많은 양으로 눈덩이달걀을 던지거나 몹을 소환하고 마인카트를 놓는 등의 작업에 사용할 수 있습니다.

이로 인해 많은 랙이 발생하거나 서버가 충돌할 수 있습니다.
Use the item multiple times. It can be used in very large quantities to throw snowballs and eggs, summon mobs, place minecarts, and more.

This can cause a lot of lag or crash the server.
Uses an item multiple times. Can be used to throw snowballs and eggs, spawn mobs, place minecarts, etc. in very large quantities.

This can cause a lot of lag and even crash a server.
description.wurst.hack.tillaura Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "dirt" (block.minecraft.dirt) as "흙", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "grass" (block.minecraft.grass) as "잔디", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "farmland" (block.minecraft.farmland) as "경작지", which is consistent with this translation.
자동으로 , 잔디 등을 경작지로 변환합니다.
Killaura와 혼동하지 마세요.
Automatically convert dirt, grass, etc. to farmland.
Not to be confused with Killaura.
Automatically turns dirt, grass, etc. into farmland.
Not to be confused with Killaura.
description.wurst.hack.timer Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "speed" ( as "속도", which is consistent with this translation.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
거의 모든 것의 속도를 변경합니다. Changes the speed of almost everything. Changes the speed of almost everything.
description.wurst.hack.tired Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 2015년 4월 Alexander와 비슷한 모습으로 보입니다.
다른 플레이어에게만 보입니다.
Looks similar to Alexander in April 2015.
Only visible to other players.
Makes you look like Alexander back in April 2015.
Only visible to other players.
description.wurst.hack.toomanyhax Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "feature" (pack.source.feature) as "기능", which is consistent with this translation.
원치 않는 기능을 차단합니다.
잘못된 해킹을 우연히 활성화하여 밴을 당하는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
'조금만 해킹하려는' 사람들을 위한 기능입니다.

§6.toomanyhax§r 명령을 사용하여 어떤 기능을 차단할지 선택할 수 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 § toomanyhax§r를 입력하세요.
Block unwanted features.
You can avoid getting banned by accidentally activating the wrong hack.
This feature is for those who are 'just a little bit hacky'.

You can choose which features to block using the §6.toomanyhax§r command.
Type § toomanyhax§r for more information.
Blocks any features that you don't want.
Allows you to make sure that you don't accidentally enable the wrong hack and get banned for it.
For those who want to "only hack a little bit".

Use the §6.toomanyhax§r command to choose which features to block.
Type § toomanyhax§r for more info. Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 텔레포트를 하면서 가장 가까운 유효한 개체를 자동으로 공격합니다. While teleporting, it will automatically attack the nearest valid object. Automatically attacks the closest valid entity while teleporting around it.
description.wurst.hack.trajectories Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "arrow" (entity.minecraft.arrow) as "화살", which is consistent with this translation.
화살과 던져지는 아이템의 비행 경로를 예측합니다. Predict the flight path of arrows and thrown items. Predicts the flight path of arrows and throwable items.
description.wurst.hack.treebot Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 자동으로 주위를 돌아다니며 나무를 베어냅니다.
현재는 작은 나무에만 사용 가능합니다.
Automatically walks around and cuts down trees.
Currently only available for small trees.
An experimental bot that automatically walks around and chops down trees.
Limited to small trees for now.
description.wurst.hack.triggerbot Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 시선을 던지고 있는 개체를 자동으로 공격합니다. Automatically attack the object you are casting your gaze on. Automatically attacks the entity you're looking at.
description.wurst.hack.trollpotion Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "potion" (entity.minecraft.potion) as "물약", which is consistent with this translation.
짜증나는 효과가 많은 물약을 생성합니다. Creates a potion with many annoying effects. Generates a potion with many annoying effects on it.
description.wurst.hack.truesight Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 투명한 개체를 볼 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to see transparent objects. Allows you to see invisible entities.
description.wurst.hack.tunneller Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "lava" (block.minecraft.lava) as "용암", which is consistent with this translation.
터널을 자동으로 파줍니다.

§c§l주의:§r 이 봇은 용암 및 기타 위험을 피하려고 노력하지만, 죽지 않을 보장은 없습니다. 잃어도 괜찮은 장비를 가지고 보내세요.
Automatically digs tunnels.

§c§l WARNING:§r This bot will try to avoid lava and other hazards, but there is no guarantee that it will not die. Send with equipment you don't mind losing.
Automatically digs a tunnel.

§c§lWARNING:§r Although this bot will try to avoid lava and other dangers, there is no guarantee that it won't die. Only send it out with gear that you don't mind losing.
description.wurst.hack.x-ray Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 벽을 통해 광물을 볼 수 있게 해줍니다. Allows you to see minerals through walls. Allows you to see ores through walls.
description.wurst.other_feature.nochatreports Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "multiplayer" (key.categories.multiplayer) as "멀티플레이", but this translation says "멀티플레이어" instead.
Warning: Formatting codes have changed: §c§l§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§r -> §c§l§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§c§r
1.19 버전부터 채팅 메시지에 첨부되는 암호화 서명을 비활성화합니다.

§c§l주의: §c채팅에 §c서명을 §c첨부하여 §c메시지를 §c보내면 §c계정이 §c신고되어 §c멀티플레이어에서 §c글로벌 §c§c처리될 §c§c있습니다!§r

채팅에서 무해한 내용을 말한다고 해도, 서명된 메시지는 가짜 채팅 신고를 생성하여 계정이 불공정하게 밴 처리되는 경우가 있을 수 있습니다.

채팅 서명을 다시 활성화하여 채팅을 하려면 계정이 아닌 대체 계정에서 플레이하는 것을 고려하세요.
As of version 1.19, disable cryptographic signatures attached to chat messages.

§c§l Caution: If you §c send a §c message with a §c signature §c attached to the §c chat, the §c account will be §c reported and will be §c global §c ban §c in §c multiplayer §c Can §c!§r

Even if you say innocuous things in chat, signed messages can sometimes create fake chat reports and unfairly ban your account.

If you want to re-enable chat signatures to chat, consider playing on an alternate account rather than your account.
Disables the cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to your chat messages.

§c§lWARNING: §cIf §cyou §csend §cchat §cmessages §cwith §csignatures, §cyour §cMinecraft §caccount §ccan §cget §creported §cand §cglobally §cbanned §cfrom §cmultiplayer!§r

Even if you only say harmless things in chat, your signed messages can be abused to create a fake chat report that gets your account banned unfairly.

If you have to re-enable chat signatures to chat on a server, consider playing on an alt account that you don't mind losing.
button.wurst.nochatreports.disable_signatures Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
서명 비활성화 disable signing Disable Signatures Info: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original, but its reasoning makes no sense. 서명 활성화 Activate signature Re-enable Signatures
description.wurst.setting.generic.attack_speed Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "Attack speed" ( as "공격 속도", but this translation says "클릭 당 공격 속도" instead.
Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "match" (painting.minecraft.match.title) as "Match", but this translation says "맞춰" instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "speed" ( as "속도", which is consistent with this translation.
클릭 당 공격 속도입니다.
0 = 공격 대기 시간에 맞춰 속도를 동적으로 조절합니다.
Attack rate per click.
0 = Dynamically adjust speed based on attack latency.
Attack speed in clicks per second.
0 = dynamically adjusts the speed to match your attack cooldown.
description.wurst.setting.generic.pause_attack_on_containers Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "chest" (block.minecraft.chest) as "상자", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "hopper" (block.minecraft.hopper) as "호퍼", which is consistent with this translation.
컨테이너 화면(상자, 호퍼 등)이 열려 있을 때 공격하지 않습니다.
상자와 비슷한 메뉴를 표시하는 미니게임 서버에 유용합니다.
Does not attack when container screens (boxes, hoppers, etc.) are open.
Useful for minigame servers that display menus similar to chests.
Won't attack while a container screen (chest, hopper, etc.) is open.
Useful for minigame servers that display chest-like menus.
description.wurst.altmanager.premium Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
이 대체 계정은 비밀번호가 있으며 모든 서버에 접속할 수 있습니다. This alternate account has a password and can access all servers. This alt has a password and can join all servers.
description.wurst.altmanager.cracked Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 대체 계정은 비밀번호가 없으며 크랙 서버에서만 작동합니다. This alternative account has no password and only works on crack servers. This alt has no password and will only work on cracked servers.
description.wurst.altmanager.failed Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 대체 계정으로 마지막으로 로그인 시도한 때 작동하지 않았습니다. The last time I tried logging in with this alternate account, it didn't work. Last time you tried to log in with this alt, it didn't work.
description.wurst.altmanager.checked Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 비밀번호가 이전에 작동한 적이 있습니다. Your password has worked before. The password has worked in the past.
description.wurst.altmanager.unchecked Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 대체 계정으로 로그인에 성공한 적이 없습니다. Login has never been successful with this alternate account. You have never successfully logged in with this alt.
description.wurst.altmanager.favorite Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 대체 계정을 즐겨찾기로 표시했습니다. You have marked this alternate account as a favorite. You have marked this alt as one of your favorites.
description.wurst.altmanager.window Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "button" (mco.gui.button) as "버튼", which is consistent with this translation.
버튼은 다른 창을 엽니다. This button opens another window. This button opens another window.
description.wurst.altmanager.window_freeze Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "game" ( as "게임", which is consistent with this translation.
Info: This string is identical to Google Translate.
해당 창이 열려 있는 동안 게임이 응답하지 않는 것처럼 보일 수 있습니다. The game may appear unresponsive while that window is open. It might look like the game is not responding while that window is open.
description.wurst.altmanager.fullscreen Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. §c전체 화면 모드를 해제하세요! §cTurn off full screen mode! §cTurn off fullscreen mode!
gui.wurst.altmanager.folder_error.title Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. '.Wurst encryption' 폴더를 생성할 수 없습니다! Could not create folder '.Wurst encryption'! Couldn't create the '.Wurst encryption' folder!
gui.wurst.altmanager.folder_error.message Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. Wurst가 이 폴더에 액세스할 수 없게 블록한 것 같습니다.
AltManager는 이 폴더 없이 대체 계정 목록을 암호화하거나 복호화할 수 없습니다.
AltManager를 계속 사용할 수 있지만, 이제 만드는 대체 계정은 저장되지 않습니다.

전체 오류는 다음과 같습니다:
It seems that Wurst has blocked access to this folder.
AltManager cannot encrypt or decrypt alternate account lists without this folder.
You can still use AltManager, but any alternate accounts you create now will not be saved.

The full error is:
You may have accidentally blocked Wurst from accessing this folder.
AltManager cannot encrypt or decrypt your alt list without it.
You can still use AltManager, but any alts you create now won't be saved.

The full error is as follows:
gui.wurst.altmanager.empty.title Warning: Possible inconsistency: Minecraft translates "empty" ( as "비어 있음", but this translation says "비어 있습니다." instead.
Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
대체 계정 목록이 비어 있습니다. Alternate account list is empty. Your alt list is empty.
gui.wurst.altmanager.empty.message Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. 시작하기 위해 일부 무작위 대체 계정을 원하시나요? Want some random alternative accounts to start with? Would you like some random alts to get started?
gui.wurst.nochatreports.unsafe_server.title Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original. §4§l주의:§r 위험한 서버 §4§l WARNING:§r Dangerous Servers §4§lWARNING:§r Unsafe Server
gui.wurst.nochatreports.unsafe_server.message Warning: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has a different meaning than the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Mojang" ( as "Mojang", which is consistent with this translation.
서버는 채팅 서명을 활성화해야 하므로 계정이 가짜 채팅 신고의 위험에 노출됩니다.

채팅 서명을 차단하고 다시 연결한 경우 이 서버에서 채팅할 수 있습니다. 그렇다면 계정을 잃어도 상관없는 대체 계정으로 플레이하는 것을 고려하세요.

서버가 소유한 경우 server.properties에서 'enforce-secure-profile'을 false로 설정하여 수정할 수 있습니다. 전형적인 Mojang의 스타일로, 이 설정은 이름이 의미하는 것과 반대로 작동합니다.
This server requires chat signatures to be enabled, putting your account at risk of fake chat reports.

You can chat on this server if you block the chat signature and reconnect. If so, consider playing with a replacement account that you don't mind losing.

If owned by this server, you can fix it by setting 'enforce-secure-profile' to false in In typical Mojang style, this setup does the opposite of what the name implies.
This server requires chat signatures to be enabled, which puts your account at risk of fraudulent chat reports.

You can chat on this server if you un-block chat signatures and then reconnect. If you do, consider playing on an alt account that you don't mind losing.

If this is your server, you can fix this by setting 'enforce-secure-profile' to false in In typical Mojang fashion, this setting does the opposite of what it sounds like.
toast.wurst.nochatreports.unsafe_server.title Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 채팅 메시지가 신고될 수 있습니다 Chat messages may be flagged Chat messages can be reported
toast.wurst.nochatreports.unsafe_server.message Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Mojang" ( as "Mojang", which is consistent with this translation.
서버에서 전송한 메시지는 Mojang의 빅 브라더에게 신고될 수 있으며 계정이 전역 밴 처리될 수 있습니다 Messages sent from this server may be reported to Mojang's Big Brother and your account may be banned globally Messages sent on this server may be reported to Big Brother Mojang and might get your account banned globally
gui.wurst.nochatreports.ncr_mod_server.title Good sign: Reversing the translation yields the original string.
Good sign: Minecraft translates "Server" (pack.source.server) as "서버", which is consistent with this translation.
"No Chat Reports" 서버 "No Chat Reports" Server "No Chat Reports" Server
gui.wurst.nochatreports.ncr_mod_server.message Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 서버는 "No Chat Reports" 모드를 사용합니다.

채팅 서명을 차단하고 VanillaSpoof를 비활성화하면 이 서버에 참여할 수 있습니다.
This server uses "No Chat Reports" mode.

You can join this server by blocking chat signatures and disabling VanillaSpoof.
This server uses the "No Chat Reports" mod.

You can join this server if you block chat signatures and disable VanillaSpoof.
button.wurst.nochatreports.signatures_status Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 서명: signature: Signatures:
description.wurst.nochatreports.message_is_reportable Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 이 메시지에는 유효한 서명이 있으므로 가짜 채팅 신고에 취약합니다. Because these messages have valid signatures, they are vulnerable to fake chat reports. This message has a valid signature and is thus vulnerable to fraudulent chat reports.
gui.wurst.generic.allcaps_blocked Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 차단됨 blocked BLOCKED
gui.wurst.generic.allcaps_allowed Good sign: ChatGPT thinks the reverse translation has the same meaning as the original. 허용됨 allowed ALLOWED
Info: This analysis was generated on August 29, 2023 at 09:50 AM.
Info: 189 out of 190 strings (99.47%) have been translated.
Info: Original has 2585 words, pending has 1958 words.
Info: 9 out of 189 translations (4.76%) are identical to Google Translate.
Info: 7 errors and 65 warnings were found in total.
Info: 139 out of 189 strings (73.54%) have no issues.